I use multiple mediums to produce personal narratives that strive to cultivate curiosity and vulnerability in the listener/watcher/reader/participant.
I bring that spirit to the work I make in collaboration with others.
In 2024, I won a Pulitzer Prize and a Peabody Award for my work on the Invisible Institute podcast You Didn’t See Nothin. I’m currently in pre-production on my short film Nya Does Nothing. (Clearly, I have an obsession with nothingness.)
I’m a queer, Black/biracial multimedia producer and uninvited guest on the lands of the Three Fires Confederacy (Ottawa, Ojibe, and Potawatomi Nations) as well as the ancestral homelands of numerous other peoples such as the Hochunk, Kickapoo, Myaamia, and more. This place is commonly known as Chicagoland.
I graduated from Princeton University in 2014 with a B.A. in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and wrote a thesis about the immunological response of California Sea Lions. Since then I’ve been a multimedia producer and educator. I’ve been executive producer of South Side Weekly Radio, a journalist and podcast producer at the Invisible Institute, an admin/animator for a Northwestern University physics laboratory, and more. In my free time I like to bake my grandma’s recipe chocolate chip oatmeal cookies and watch and talk about films.
Curious about my name? Have a listen here.
Photo by Darren Wallace.