as editor
“A City of Extremes” (2020) - South Side Weekly
How the 1995 heat wave and COVID-19 reveal what’s changed (and what hasn’t) in Chicago’s health equity landscape.
“The Multitudes of Broadway Muse” (2019) - South Side Weekly
Profile of South Side writer/poet Broadway Muse.
Self-Writeous by C.K. Hugo Chung
A poetry collection filled with at times humorous and at times dark observations of biculturality, politics, sexuality, family, and history.
as writer
“Into The Futures” (2020) - South Side Weekly
Five forward-thinkers offer strategies for finding your path to the future in this radically altered pandemic landscape.
“Failure is Generative: A Triangular Conversation on Creation, Extraction, and Power” (2020) - Nonfiction
Musings on how journalists, artists, and those in between can go about creating work that the least extractive.
“He Got 80 Years for Murder Because of a ‘Hero’ Cop. Then Witnesses Recanted.” (2020) - The Daily Beast
An Invisible Institute wrongful conviction investigation.
“When police dogs bite, criminals may find it easier to be compensated than bystanders” (2020) - IndyStar
A collaboration between the Invisible Institute and IndyStar into challenges police dog bite victims face because of qualified immunity. A follow up to earlier reporting that earned a Pulitzer Prize.
“The Robeson Issue” (2019) - South Side Weekly
The Lisagor award winning issue of South Side Weekly that collected and distributed histories of the recently demolished Robeson High School in the form of essays, photo essays, interviews, comics, and kids’ games.
“Continuing to Challenge the Status Quo” (2018) - South Side Weekly
A Studs Terkel style interview of the life of Amara Enyia, a Chicago politician running for mayor and gaining traction amongst younger voters and high-profile Chicagoans such as Chance the Rapper and Kanye West.
“Algae” - Peak Heat: A Dystopian Anthology (2016)
A fictional snapshot in time of our slow descent into climate apocalypse, as viewed by a child during summer break.
“Heart/Clock” - Twisted Fairy Tales for Adults: An Anthology (2016)
Will Beth survive having her heart replaced by a clock?